Our wonderful gardens & trees are hidden behind the high stonewall of the original Old Vicarage providing the perfect feeling of seclusion and peace from the modern day world. We don’t have a typical visitor – we entice a huge variety of folk to see our models and garden.
We have dual appeal! On one hand we are a fantastic model village replete with Island life perfectly recreated in miniature, and on the other we offer a stunning collection of conifers and trees.
Admittedly a Model Village is an unexpected place to find such an ornate garden. Over the last 30 years we have slowly built a collection of conifers and shrubs that are the envy of many. Our conifer and shrub collection now totals over 3000 specimens, many of which have been carefully pruned using the niwaki (Japanese term for highly sculpted trees) approach.
As with the Japanese tradition we have concentrated on using a chosen range of trees sculpting them individually, for maximum effect, to create the right atmosphere to offset the models
The garden is landscaped to provide a back drop to the model houses but in doing so we have created an outstanding experience for gardeners. If you can appreciate the hours of work it takes to attend to the conifers and shrubs we have growing here you will LOVE this place.
We have one full time gardener and one full time model maker and between them they tend to the trees, lawns and models.
So much more than a collection of little houses…